The heart is responsible for pumping blood around the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. Looking after our heart health is something everyone should be focusing on, no matter your age. Following a healthy diet, exercising, and taking the correct supplements is key to reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Read below to learn about 3 supplements that can benefit heart health.

Fish oil

Fish oils are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3’s have been shown to lower triglycerides which are a type of fat found in your blood. High levels of triglycerides in the blood are linked to build up in the arteries. Omega 3’s have anti inflammatory properties, and may help improve function of the cells that line blood vessels. Supplementing with fish oil can help lower high blood pressure reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.


Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that occurs naturally in the body, but we can also get it through diet or supplement form. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant reducing oxidative stress in the body which can help slow the progression of coronary heart disease. CoQ10 has also been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce death from heart failure and may even reduce the side effects of satin drugs making them more tolerable. Another study showed that coQ10 improved blood vessel health over 40% lower the risk of heart disease.


magnesium is an essential mineral, essential meaning we need to get it from our diet or supplement form. It plays an important role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including regulating blood pressure and the biochemical reactions in the heart muscle that generate your heartbeat. Low levels of magnesium or magnesium deficiency have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and is often found in patients with congestive heart failure.

Remember to always speak to your Doctor before starting a new supplement especially if you have an existing medical condition and taking medication as some supplements can effect this.

Happy Heart Health Day!


Lower triglycerides -

Anti inflammatory properties -

Lowering high blood pressure -

Oxidative stress -

Powerful antioxidant -

Lower blood pressure -

Lower blood pressure -

Reduce side effects of statins -

Improved blood vessel health -

Reduce death by heart failure -

Regulating blood pressure -

Heart beat -

Linked to increased level of CV disease -